Thursday, July 16, 2020

what is soil ? what is the phases of soil and what is compostion of soil on volume basis?


It is a "Latin word "comes from "Solum"which means floor. Soil is formed by the disintegration of of Rock and mineral. it takes among 800 to 1000 years for formation of soil. it is very slow process.

Soil is composed to of 3 phases 

  • solid :mineral and humus
  • liquid :soil water
  •  gas:soil air

Soil is complex body formed by a various component 

the following component are :

  1. minerals  obtain form naturally on earth.
  2. Organic matter by decomposition of of animal and plant waste 
  3. water obtained form atmosphere help in reaction of soil.
  4. Air obtain form atmosphere help in reaction of  root and chemical in soil.
  5. organism such as warm insect microbes help in formation of  soil
Fig of componet of soil on volume basis 

In 5%of humus these component take a part
Fig of component  of humus

what is soil ? what is the phases of soil and what is compostion of soil on volume basis?

Soil It is a "Latin word "comes from "Solum"which means floor. Soil is formed by the disintegration of of Rock and miner...