Tuesday, May 19, 2020

History of agricultural and modern man

The modern man:

The modern man was zoologically known as homo Sapiens which was first evolved in  Africa about 35000 years ago which Generally Accepted today.
According to trinomial nomenclature the name was  transformed in to homo Sapiens sapiens.

                    Human evolution

Domestication of animal:

In beginning the man spend his life widely but in the period of 8700- 7700 BC..,they started domestication of animals .dog is the first pet which used  for hunting.


  There were many revolution started for fulfill the needs of humans ,but the lack of field productivity of soil decreases and the human Desire for food  and fodder for their domesticated animal does not fulfill therefore  agriculturist study the the management and principle of crop production this type of study is known as agronomy.

In India:

The scientific cultivation has been started with the commercialization of tobacco cotton and sugarcane.  lord Mayo established join department of agriculture revenue and Commerce

Central department of agriculture was established in in 1881.

I A R I:   I A R I  is stand for Imperial agricultural Research Institute it was established in  Pusha in 1905.
When it was established Pusha is under in Bengal but now  institute is under in Bihar because of  natural disaster(earthquake). 

Due to earthquake,  the  building become damage.

ICAR stand for Imperial counselling of Agricultural Research it was established on 16 July 1929 it was registered as a society under the the societies Registration Act 1860.     

The first president was MD. Habibullah and secretary was S.A. hydari. According to him the Imperial change into Indian under the presidentship of jogendra Singh and now it it is known as Indian Council of Agricultural Research
The first  director general the was Dr .B.P. Pal.

The first Agricultural University was established at Patna nagar Uttarakhand in  1960.

IRRI: International rice Research Institute at Manila in 1960.

In India there is many revolution started  Green Revolution in 1965 to 1966 and after the Green Revolution there were many revolution started such as
  • White Revolution for milk production.
  •  Blue revolution for fishery fish production.
  •  round revolution for egg potato.
  •  brown revolution Biomass and fertilizer production. 
  • Black revolution bio fuel production.
  •  Red Revolution tomato and meat production in our country

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