Thursday, May 28, 2020

Locust threat to world and destroy huges crops

Do u know  what is locust

a large, mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time to time there is a population explosion and it migrates in vast swarms which cause extensive damage to vegetation.
The size of the locus ranges from 0.1to 0.2.

Usually it found in  East Africa , southern asia and western asia  of  the arid deserts. It live only three country because the rainfall is less than 200mm.

Its target point to eat plant ,leaves and greenary of earth.
 It is live in group approx 10000 to  70000 in a group.

But when the wind becomes favorable for them, then its population increases 20 times. And it is reached about 60 countries .it cover  almost the land area of the 20% of Earth.
It can fly  in the speed of 16 to 19 km .
 It destroy  the agriculture  production.
Covid19 is not end in world and locust  threat also came in world.

According to the United Nation of Food in Agriculture Association, Locust traveled from East Africa to Sudan in the month of spring. From Sudan, he reached the Arab country via Nigeria, Yemen from the Arab country went towards Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now that through Pakistan it reached in india.
In India,  firstly locust attacked in  Rajasthan  and now it spread in Jaipur maharastra Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat Punjab Haryana Jhansi Allahabad and many  Villages. In India it mostly harm the moong pulses wheat and musturd crops

 Some image of locust attack in india

  How to protect our land

Farmers beat there plates by a pole and make a loud music to  drive away the locust.   to control it population the  bird eats locust . these bird knows as locust.

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