Tuesday, May 26, 2020

how to grow pomato , what is Somatic hybridisation and cybrid ,what is application of somatic hybridisarion

Somatic Hybridization

For understanding somatic hybridization you need to understand some basic terms such as 
Protoplast :it is a isolated cell which do not have cell wall and bound by 
Somatic: it is taken forma Acient word Soma which means body.
Hybridization it is a  interbreeding process in which new individual is formed by the fusion of two differnet species.
So the definition is   new  individual body is formed by two differnet species. Or you can say that another definition :
Development of new hybrid are are formed by the fusion of somatic protoplast of two different plant.the protoplast is  made to fused using PEG ( polyethylene)or electric fusion.
Somatic hybridization is introduced in nicotiana gluca( wild tobacco species)by Carlson etal. 

Procedure: two  differnet  species of plant cell is taken and by ezymatic action of celluase, the cell wall of   plant is  break. The protoplast is appeared ,then the protoplast is fused.  When we regenerate the fused protoplast , the new hybrid is introduce which take the both superior character of  plant species.

Such as pomato in which one potato cell and another one  is tomato cell when potato cell fused with tomato cell, the new plant arises which known as pomato. The pomato take both the  characteristic of potato and tomato. pomato plant is able to  give potato as well as tomato.

Procedure of creating pomato plant at your garden:

It was originally developed in 1930 by Oscar soderholm in worchestor.
 Take  red cherry tomato and potato plant of similar height as near about 0.1cm or 4 inch then take a sharp knife  or sterlie blade  and cut the top off  both plant  gently. And then remove the the middle part of stem from a potato plant and give V shape to it . after this cut the root of tomato plant and then make a simple cut on tomato  stem fix the both stem together by grafting tape ensuring that it hold each other by  this they share  nutrition from each other and start their growth. For creating more chance to grow, placed grafting plant in that area where  is not a  rich source of Sunlight present, after two or three weeks when the grafting plant shows  some growth, remove the grafting tape and you can also transform the plant where u want. 

  • Somatic hybrid are two types:
  • Symmetric hybrid
  • Asymmetric hybrid

Cybrid: it is process in which cytoplasm is fused but nucleus is not fused whereas somatic hybridization the cytoplasm as well as nucleus are fused .

 application of somatic hybridization:

  •  We get Disease resistance plant .
  • Environment tolerance: genes are able to tolerate the cold, Frost and slat.
  • Quality assurance :somatic hybrid for the production of high nicotine content add low euric acid have been developed.
  • Cytoplasmic male sterility: modification of hybridization in the form of hybridization has made it possible to transfer male sterility.
  • It help in plant breeding program.
Psycho Protoplasm transformation incorpting DNA followed by somatic exogenous hybridization will yield innovative plant.

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