Monday, June 8, 2020

what is Ecosystem and ecology differnce between ecosystem and ecology father of ecology, types of ecology ,principal of ecology the biotic and abiotic component and differnce between biotic and abiotic component and types of ecosystem.


It is formed by a two word Eco and system the meaning of eco is ecology and the meaning of system is 
interaction unit.
The term ecology was invented by hanns reiter in 1885 and proposed by German biologist Ernest haecker in 1866.

Ecology is defined as the study of living beings in their natural habitat

The Father of ecology is Alexander Von humboldt. 

Types of ecology

Molecular ecology 
organismal ecology 
population ecology
community ecology 
Global Ecology
 landscape ecology
 ecosystem ecology 

the principal of ecology:

Maintain diversity and redundancy manage connectivity 
manage flow variable 
 feedback faster Complex adaptive system encourage learning 
promote polycentric governance system.

Ecosystem is defined as ecological system Where are living and nonliving factor of environment interact with each other with their own component.  

Non -Living factor are  abiotic and living factor are called biotic component 
biotic and abiotic component of ecosystem form the basic structure of ecosystem. 
abiotic component

According to E.P.O dum in 1971 abiotic component are grouped in three categories
  •  inorganic nutrients  :k Mg Ca N P
  • organic compound: protein carbohydrates lipids
  •  climatic factor; light  tempertaure wind rainfall

Biotic component:

Autotrophic component: it mean self nourshing. the  living who produce their food by themselves  they are also known as primary producers .

there are two type

  • .phototrophs 
  •  chemotrophs
 phototrophs like green plant make their food by photosynthesis.

 chemotrophs make their food by Chemosynthesis where energy is derived form oxidation reduction or redox reaction.

Heterotrophic component :

the living organism depends upon autotrophs component for their survival.
On the basis of consuming food crops are grouped in three categories
  • Holozonic organisms consume their food through mouth like herbs eater  such as goat cow etc flesh eater ..crow lion tiger
  • Saprophytes such organism it take their food from dead and decaying tissue of plants and animals 
  • parasite the organism will depend upon other organisms for their nutrition like fungi
  • The saprophytes and the parasites are the micro consumer and they are also known as decomposer Transformers Cosmo crops reducer saprotrophs

Types of ecosystem

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If u wanna knw any thing ..tell me i will give my best....

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