Thursday, July 16, 2020

what is soil ? what is the phases of soil and what is compostion of soil on volume basis?


It is a "Latin word "comes from "Solum"which means floor. Soil is formed by the disintegration of of Rock and mineral. it takes among 800 to 1000 years for formation of soil. it is very slow process.

Soil is composed to of 3 phases 

  • solid :mineral and humus
  • liquid :soil water
  •  gas:soil air

Soil is complex body formed by a various component 

the following component are :

  1. minerals  obtain form naturally on earth.
  2. Organic matter by decomposition of of animal and plant waste 
  3. water obtained form atmosphere help in reaction of soil.
  4. Air obtain form atmosphere help in reaction of  root and chemical in soil.
  5. organism such as warm insect microbes help in formation of  soil
Fig of componet of soil on volume basis 

In 5%of humus these component take a part
Fig of component  of humus

Monday, June 8, 2020

what is Ecosystem and ecology differnce between ecosystem and ecology father of ecology, types of ecology ,principal of ecology the biotic and abiotic component and differnce between biotic and abiotic component and types of ecosystem.


It is formed by a two word Eco and system the meaning of eco is ecology and the meaning of system is 
interaction unit.
The term ecology was invented by hanns reiter in 1885 and proposed by German biologist Ernest haecker in 1866.

Ecology is defined as the study of living beings in their natural habitat

The Father of ecology is Alexander Von humboldt. 

Types of ecology

Molecular ecology 
organismal ecology 
population ecology
community ecology 
Global Ecology
 landscape ecology
 ecosystem ecology 

the principal of ecology:

Maintain diversity and redundancy manage connectivity 
manage flow variable 
 feedback faster Complex adaptive system encourage learning 
promote polycentric governance system.

Ecosystem is defined as ecological system Where are living and nonliving factor of environment interact with each other with their own component.  

Non -Living factor are  abiotic and living factor are called biotic component 
biotic and abiotic component of ecosystem form the basic structure of ecosystem. 
abiotic component

According to E.P.O dum in 1971 abiotic component are grouped in three categories
  •  inorganic nutrients  :k Mg Ca N P
  • organic compound: protein carbohydrates lipids
  •  climatic factor; light  tempertaure wind rainfall

Biotic component:

Autotrophic component: it mean self nourshing. the  living who produce their food by themselves  they are also known as primary producers .

there are two type

  • .phototrophs 
  •  chemotrophs
 phototrophs like green plant make their food by photosynthesis.

 chemotrophs make their food by Chemosynthesis where energy is derived form oxidation reduction or redox reaction.

Heterotrophic component :

the living organism depends upon autotrophs component for their survival.
On the basis of consuming food crops are grouped in three categories
  • Holozonic organisms consume their food through mouth like herbs eater  such as goat cow etc flesh eater ..crow lion tiger
  • Saprophytes such organism it take their food from dead and decaying tissue of plants and animals 
  • parasite the organism will depend upon other organisms for their nutrition like fungi
  • The saprophytes and the parasites are the micro consumer and they are also known as decomposer Transformers Cosmo crops reducer saprotrophs

Types of ecosystem

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

digestive system of insect

Digestive system

  • The alimentory canal of insects is long muscular and tubular structure .It differentiate in three region :foregut midgut  hindgut 
  • Ectodermal origin 
  • Inner cuticle present
  • Foregut area include terminal mouth part lead into Peroralcavity.
  • Peroralcavity between epipharynx and hypopharynx is cibarium.
  • Pharynx :a well masculated organ present behind the mouth
  • Function of the food in into oesophagus
  • Act as Sucking pump in sap feeder.
  • Corp: acting as food is reservior
  • In bees corp is card as a honey is stomach. 
  • Posterior part of foregut------Proventriculus or found only solid feeder.
:Food travel from foregut to midgut through cardiac valve or oesophagusvalve
  • Main site of digestation is Midgut 
  • Endodermal origin it also known as mesitron but no cuticle present midgut is made up of 3 epithelial cells  secretory cells gloobelt cell regenerative cell
  • Function lubricate and facilities food movement protect the midgut epithelial cells
  • Ectodermal origin cuticle is present it is permeable to salt ions amino acids and water absorption of salt water and other useful substance from the feaece and urine.
  • Hindgut is differentiate ileum colon and rectum
 As  i mentioned earlier that the alimentary canal is long tube like structure extending from mouth to anus it many divided into three reason forgut midgut hindgut Mouth lead pharynx to the narrow tube like structure called oesophagus distal end oesophgus are called corp.corp it is useful to store a food piror  to digestion then food move into a proventriculus where six chitin cuticle teeth are present which  help  in reducing to its size.

Midgut : main site of digestion and assimilation
hindgut divided into ileum colon and rectum.
Elementary Canal at the junction of midgut and hindgut are many yellow hair like structure called malphigian  tabule which help in eliminate  of the nitrogenous waste.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Locust threat to world and destroy huges crops

Do u know  what is locust

a large, mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time to time there is a population explosion and it migrates in vast swarms which cause extensive damage to vegetation.
The size of the locus ranges from 0.1to 0.2.

Usually it found in  East Africa , southern asia and western asia  of  the arid deserts. It live only three country because the rainfall is less than 200mm.

Its target point to eat plant ,leaves and greenary of earth.
 It is live in group approx 10000 to  70000 in a group.

But when the wind becomes favorable for them, then its population increases 20 times. And it is reached about 60 countries .it cover  almost the land area of the 20% of Earth.
It can fly  in the speed of 16 to 19 km .
 It destroy  the agriculture  production.
Covid19 is not end in world and locust  threat also came in world.

According to the United Nation of Food in Agriculture Association, Locust traveled from East Africa to Sudan in the month of spring. From Sudan, he reached the Arab country via Nigeria, Yemen from the Arab country went towards Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now that through Pakistan it reached in india.
In India,  firstly locust attacked in  Rajasthan  and now it spread in Jaipur maharastra Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat Punjab Haryana Jhansi Allahabad and many  Villages. In India it mostly harm the moong pulses wheat and musturd crops

 Some image of locust attack in india

  How to protect our land

Farmers beat there plates by a pole and make a loud music to  drive away the locust.   to control it population the  bird eats locust . these bird knows as locust.

metamorphesis and dipause

 Metamorphosis and diapause:

Although all insects molt and change body shape through their life, some of them undergo only minor changes while most undergo extreme changes in structure and function. Juvenile insects molt frequently during their journey to adulthood. A few insects exhibit no change in body part proportions or modification of the body after molting, but most insects accompany these molts with simple or dramatic alterations of body form called metamorphosis. These changes may be accompanied by addition and/or subtraction of body parts, or they may simply be alterations of body proportions.
No Metamorphosis

A few insects are ametamorphic and do not exhibit any metamorphic changes. The aphids (Homoptera) are prime examples of this. An aphid is produced when an unfertilized egg hatches inside the mother, grows to a young female that looks exactly like her mother except in size, and the offspring emerges onto the host plant the mother is feeding on. After eating for about a day, the young aphid has molted one or more times, and begins to produce her own offspring – even before she has reached full size or has finished molting. This mode of reproduction is so efficient that under favorable conditions, an aphid colony can multiply to ten times their numbers (1000%) in three days.

The simplest form of metamorphosis is a gradual change in body form that occurs between molts. The juvenile stages of these insects closely resemble the adult stages and only trained entomologists (insect scientists) can distinguish the several stages of their life history. A newly hatched praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) or grasshopper looks very much like an adult without wings. It has six legs, of which the front pair are modified to capture food just as in the adult mantis. Antennae, mouth parts, and abdomen are the same as in the adult but their relative proportions differ.
 proportion of the head gradually becomes smaller and that of the abdomen longer with each molt. The reproductive organs and wings of the adult remain inactive as imaginal discs for several molts. When wings begin to develop during the last two molts before the adult molt, they appear first as small external buds, become about one third the adult size with the next molt, and finally reach adult size and function after the last molt at which time, the insect is also reproductively mature.
Incomplete Metamorphosis

A more extensive form of metamorphosis is termed incomplete or abrupt metamorphosis. Insects that use this mode of development pass through several nymphal stages before the nymph molts to the winged adult. These insects are usually aquatic with external gills. At the beginning of life, insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis, such as aquatic dragonfly and damselfly (Orthopterans) nymphs, called naiads, go through a molting process similar to gradual metamorphosis. These insects have six legs, a head with compound eyes and antennae, and a small abdomen with gills at the posterior end. The head becomes proportionately smaller and the abdomen larger with successive molts. As they approach adulthood, wings appear on the back, much as they do if the animal were to undergo gradual metamorphosis.

As these insects metamorphose, the insect abruptly changes its body form. The gills are lost and wings develop. But the changes in leg form, head shape, abdominal morphology, development of spiracles for air breathing, and reduction in the size of mouth parts, drastically alter the appearance of the insect. Looking at the penultimate naiad and the adult, most naive observers would not guess they were related – never mind being the same individual.

Complete Metamorphosis

The complete form of metamorphosis involves three very different life stages once the insect hatches from the egg: larva, pupa or chrysalis, and adult or imago. If these insects are aquatic, they may or may not have gills. Those without gills must rise to the surface of the water
to breathe. The larval forms of most insects exhibiting complete metamorphosis is more worm- like than insect-like with tiny or no legs, and often use a worm-like wriggling movement to move. Except for the caterpillars of butterflies and moths and the grubs of some beetles, these larvae usually have a reduced or even absent head definition, often have no eyes or antennae, and sometimes appear to be mostly abdomen with a mouth at one end and anus at the other.
At some point in their development, these insects molt to form a “resting” stage called a pupa or chrysalis. This is a stage incapable of coordinate locomotion. Feet, antennae, and wings (when present) are closely attached to the animal's outer surface and, although appearing for the first time, are nonfunctional.
The metamorphosis from the pupa to the imago is sometimes as dramatic as the metamorphosis of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis. The relatively inactive pupal shell splits and the adult draws itself out of the pupal shell. The adult then, as in those with incomplete metamorphosis, pumps body fluids and air into its extremities, causing them to swell and transform to the adult form. After a period of hardening, when the antennae are capable of supporting themselves and the wings and legs can support the insect in flight and walking, the insect walks or flies off to feed, find a mate or mates, and reproduce.

Metamorphosis of Various Insects


Examples Oentia)

  • Thrips Thysanoptera
  • True Bugs Hemiptera
  • Aphids Homoptera
  • Earwigs Dermaptera


Examples Orders

  • Mayflies Ephemeroptera
  • Dragonflies Odonata
  • Stoneflies Plecoptera

Examples Orders

  • Lacewing Neuroptera
  • Beetles Coleoptera
  • Scorpionfly Mecoptera
  • Coddisfly Trichoptera
  • Moths, Butterflies Lepidoptera
  • Flies Diptera
  • Fleas Siphonaptera
  • Wasps, Bees Hymenoptera

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

how to grow pomato , what is Somatic hybridisation and cybrid ,what is application of somatic hybridisarion

Somatic Hybridization

For understanding somatic hybridization you need to understand some basic terms such as 
Protoplast :it is a isolated cell which do not have cell wall and bound by 
Somatic: it is taken forma Acient word Soma which means body.
Hybridization it is a  interbreeding process in which new individual is formed by the fusion of two differnet species.
So the definition is   new  individual body is formed by two differnet species. Or you can say that another definition :
Development of new hybrid are are formed by the fusion of somatic protoplast of two different plant.the protoplast is  made to fused using PEG ( polyethylene)or electric fusion.
Somatic hybridization is introduced in nicotiana gluca( wild tobacco species)by Carlson etal. 

Procedure: two  differnet  species of plant cell is taken and by ezymatic action of celluase, the cell wall of   plant is  break. The protoplast is appeared ,then the protoplast is fused.  When we regenerate the fused protoplast , the new hybrid is introduce which take the both superior character of  plant species.

Such as pomato in which one potato cell and another one  is tomato cell when potato cell fused with tomato cell, the new plant arises which known as pomato. The pomato take both the  characteristic of potato and tomato. pomato plant is able to  give potato as well as tomato.

Procedure of creating pomato plant at your garden:

It was originally developed in 1930 by Oscar soderholm in worchestor.
 Take  red cherry tomato and potato plant of similar height as near about 0.1cm or 4 inch then take a sharp knife  or sterlie blade  and cut the top off  both plant  gently. And then remove the the middle part of stem from a potato plant and give V shape to it . after this cut the root of tomato plant and then make a simple cut on tomato  stem fix the both stem together by grafting tape ensuring that it hold each other by  this they share  nutrition from each other and start their growth. For creating more chance to grow, placed grafting plant in that area where  is not a  rich source of Sunlight present, after two or three weeks when the grafting plant shows  some growth, remove the grafting tape and you can also transform the plant where u want. 

  • Somatic hybrid are two types:
  • Symmetric hybrid
  • Asymmetric hybrid

Cybrid: it is process in which cytoplasm is fused but nucleus is not fused whereas somatic hybridization the cytoplasm as well as nucleus are fused .

 application of somatic hybridization:

  •  We get Disease resistance plant .
  • Environment tolerance: genes are able to tolerate the cold, Frost and slat.
  • Quality assurance :somatic hybrid for the production of high nicotine content add low euric acid have been developed.
  • Cytoplasmic male sterility: modification of hybridization in the form of hybridization has made it possible to transfer male sterility.
  • It help in plant breeding program.
Psycho Protoplasm transformation incorpting DNA followed by somatic exogenous hybridization will yield innovative plant.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Tips for prepretion of soil for planting of vegetables

Tips of  soil preparation for planting vegetables


  • Cow dung 
  • organic manure
  •  Garden soil 
  • antifungal powder
  •  water
  •  vegetable seeds
Note: only moist soil should be pefer.


Take a 3/4parts of moist garden soil add with 1/4 of cow dung and Organic manure.  mixed it into properly. Then add antifungal powder 1 or 2 spoon .you can  also add  a cinnamon powder instead of antifungal powder.

importance of antifungal powder

1. it help to kill the fungus and the growth of fungus in the soil

 2. it help to conserve the soil nutrition .

How to use this soil 

Now you can use this soil mixture .and the best part ,you can also Store this mixture atleast 8 to 10 months  .the soil is ready for sowing of seed.

Note: if the soil colour is changed such as red. This soil becomes toxic  not good for plantation.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Wanna contact at twitter @Navanya Tiwari
Fb page agribachelor and insta page navnaya

agriculture , types of agriculture ,agriculture in india imporatance and their crops types.



It consist of two  latin word. In which "agri means soil" & "culture means cultivation" that's why agriculture is a  science that defined the study of soil cultivation.

 Agriculture is an art and science both in which we study all the human activity related  use of soil 

Agriculture is mainly divided into two parts

1.subsistence farming
2.Commercial farming

    Subsistence farming:

it is also known as existing farming. it is branch of agriculture science in which farmer grown there crop for present scenario not for  their future use,  that's why it also known as settled farming.
 the farmer grow their crops for fulfill on his and their family needs.
It is subdivided in two parts
A. shifting cultivation
B. primitive farming.

 Shifting cultivation

 First of all Forest land is cleared and cultivated by fire and then crops are planted, into the patch of forest land Due to growing of one crop continuously  some year  the soil loose its nutrition value.

Then the crop is shifted to other slash and Burn again that's why it known as shifting cultivation
The forest land is cleared by fire so it is known as slash and burn method.

  there same crop is grown year after year in this case land is rotated but crop is fixed  that's why  it may also known as land rotation.
Shifting cultivation is also known as Jhum Cultivation.    

It practiced in north eastern state of India Chota Nagpur  pleatau of Jharkhand MP and in hilly areas.

It is done by tribal people for the production of root and Tuber

              Primitive farming : 

it is a one of the part of a subsistence farming . which  is practice  in older years it is also known as a obstacle farming here primitive technique is used by farmers, modern techniques and tools are not allowded.

Commercial farming:  

 it is originate form Europe  the purpose of this farming is  to sell a yelids in a bulk quantity to the market. Commercial farming divided into two parts intensive commercial farming extensive commercial farming

Division of commercial farming in two parts

 1.intensive farming 
2.extensive farming

Agriculture in India:

 Agricultural production contributes 14% to India's national income. India's government established RRB and NABARD  institute for the development of agriculture. The green revolution started in India mid of 1965 to 1966, the aim of Green revolution is to increasing the  productivity of agriculture  and make the self sufficient in foodgrains By first green revolution the wheat production is increase .
1983 the second green revolution started in which Rice production is rises. but wheat production is more than the rice production .
  • father of Green revolution in India Dr Swaminathan .
  • the father of Green revolution in the world is Doctor Borlog.

Which crop got the first rank in the state of India

  • Jammu Kashmir for saffron 
  • up for wheat, sugar cane, milk and potato.
  • West Bengal for jute and rice 
Assam for tea

Note: but in South India the Tamilnadu  is known.

  • MP for soybean pulse   gram and oilseed.
  • Rajasthan for mustard .
  • Gujarat for cotton and peanut.
  • Maharashtra for onion pigeon pea grapes and mango.
  • Kerala for natural over Garammasala  cashew coconut black paper.
  •  AndhraPradesh for turmeric tobacco maize
  • Karnataka for coffee sunflower Resham

 Importance  of agriculture:

India there is three types of crop

1.Rabi crops 
2.kharif crop
3. jayaz crop

Rabi  crop : this crop sown on October  to November and harvesting April for example mustard wheat gram and  pea

Kharif crop: describe shown on June July and harvest in October November for example rice soya bean ,jwar, Bajra sugarcane and cotton
Jayad crop :this crop are shown in feb to  march. Example brinjal bottle guard watermelon

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

History of agricultural and modern man

The modern man:

The modern man was zoologically known as homo Sapiens which was first evolved in  Africa about 35000 years ago which Generally Accepted today.
According to trinomial nomenclature the name was  transformed in to homo Sapiens sapiens.

                    Human evolution

Domestication of animal:

In beginning the man spend his life widely but in the period of 8700- 7700 BC..,they started domestication of animals .dog is the first pet which used  for hunting.


  There were many revolution started for fulfill the needs of humans ,but the lack of field productivity of soil decreases and the human Desire for food  and fodder for their domesticated animal does not fulfill therefore  agriculturist study the the management and principle of crop production this type of study is known as agronomy.

In India:

The scientific cultivation has been started with the commercialization of tobacco cotton and sugarcane.  lord Mayo established join department of agriculture revenue and Commerce

Central department of agriculture was established in in 1881.

I A R I:   I A R I  is stand for Imperial agricultural Research Institute it was established in  Pusha in 1905.
When it was established Pusha is under in Bengal but now  institute is under in Bihar because of  natural disaster(earthquake). 

Due to earthquake,  the  building become damage.

ICAR stand for Imperial counselling of Agricultural Research it was established on 16 July 1929 it was registered as a society under the the societies Registration Act 1860.     

The first president was MD. Habibullah and secretary was S.A. hydari. According to him the Imperial change into Indian under the presidentship of jogendra Singh and now it it is known as Indian Council of Agricultural Research
The first  director general the was Dr .B.P. Pal.

The first Agricultural University was established at Patna nagar Uttarakhand in  1960.

IRRI: International rice Research Institute at Manila in 1960.

In India there is many revolution started  Green Revolution in 1965 to 1966 and after the Green Revolution there were many revolution started such as
  • White Revolution for milk production.
  •  Blue revolution for fishery fish production.
  •  round revolution for egg potato.
  •  brown revolution Biomass and fertilizer production. 
  • Black revolution bio fuel production.
  •  Red Revolution tomato and meat production in our country

Sunday, May 17, 2020


IARI  field worker or helper job in 2020 recuritment.

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This post was most recently updated on May 17th, 2020IARI Recruitment, For 15 SRF, Lab cum field Attendant & Young Professional Jobs 2020 Notification at Recruitment 2020, Field Worker/ Helper Jobs in New Delhi Indian Agricultural Research Institute is looking for well-qualified professionals to fill up with 15 SRF, Lab cum field Attendant & Young Professional Posts. Aspirants with qualified skills and with a better experience can apply for the posts through online mode. IARI Job notification will be released soon in the official website: Make sure the interested candidates should fulfill the eligibility criteria in the below page before applying for the posts. We inform all eligible candidates are requested to apply online mode through official website

 No other modes of applications will be accepted. Before the registration, Applicants are requested to ensure that there is a valid email address in his/her name. IARI Recruitment 2020 – Overview Department Name: Indian Agricultural Research Institute Total Vacancies: 15 Location New Delhi Post Name SRF, Lab cum field Attendant & Young Professional Notification Published on 07 October 2020 Last Date of Application: 16 October 2020 Application Mode: Online IARI Recruitment 2020 – Eligibility Criteria Education Qualification 12th Class, B.Sc, M.Sc Age Limit 21 to 40 Year Pay Scale 15000 to 25000/- Important Dates Notification Published on: 07 October 2020 Last Date of Application: 16 October 2020 How to Apply: IARI Recruitment 2020 Visit the IARI Official Website Click on Recruitment Tab Search for the Job Notification Fill the basic details & Pay the fee with bank challan. Take a print out for the future purpose 
 Here is opportunity  for fresher student to make his or her career  bright.

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what is soil ? what is the phases of soil and what is compostion of soil on volume basis?

Soil It is a "Latin word "comes from "Solum"which means floor. Soil is formed by the disintegration of of Rock and miner...